Juliette Binoche will play Didi Fancher & Official Cosmopolis website revealed

The Playlist got confirmation on Juliette Binoche and Mathieu Amalric through production company, Clap Filmes. They work in conjunction with Paulo Branco, Cosmopolis producer:

Since opening its doors in 2001, Clap Filmes has continued the work of eminent Portuguese producer Paulo Branco. With an illustrious film career spanning over twenty-five years and more than 200 films, Paulo Branco has collaborated with some of the most important directors and cineastes of Portugal, with over 100 films to his credit in that country alone, not to mention numerous endeavours with some of the world’s most influential filmmakers. He has carved an undisputed niche in the panorama of contemporary independent cinema, and has decisively contributed to the assertion of Portuguese cinema, both on a national and international scale.

I clicked the link and saw the confirmation. When I went back to the link, it didn’t work. Going to the home page of Clap Filmes, I was led to a different Cosmopolis page.

This page reveals Binoche as Didi Fancher and Paul Giamatti as Benno Levin. 🙂 Doesn’t surprise us limo passengers but it’s nice to have some confirmation.

The page also links to a Cosmopolis website, said to be the official film page: Cosmopolisthefilm.com! Info is a little outdated but this is very exciting to already have an official page. 🙂

We’ll keep an eye out on these developments and keep you posted!

Click HERE for the Cosmopolis page on Clap Filmes.

Click HERE for the official Cosmopolis Film website

This entry was posted in Cosmopolis, David Cronenberg, Juliette Binoche, Mathieu Amalric, Paul Giamatti, Paulo Branco, Pre-Production, Producer, Robert Pattinson and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

20 Responses to Juliette Binoche will play Didi Fancher & Official Cosmopolis website revealed

  1. Aussiegirl says:

    Jesus. Can you still make a film with a budget of $15 mill? Surely it has to be a bit bigger than that? Do you know what budget Eastern Promises or History of Violence had?

    • deb24601 says:

      EP and HoV were more in the range of 30-55 million. I agree the budget sounds low; Unless the (very smart) actors are forgoing big paychecks to have an amazing work experience. This sounds familiar… 😉

  2. deb24601 says:

    This makes me SO happy. Scorched blonde be damned, I can SEE Juliette in this role.

    • looloolinda says:

      Couldn’t agree with you more – what a great Didi… What a perfect cast so far! I could see all three of them being the true embodiment of their characters!

  3. jen says:

    Sounds plausible because Remember Me only has 19 million budget.

    Worth mentioning is that Black Swan is a film that has a low budget yet the revenues now are overwhelming. 😀

    • Loisada says:

      Yes, it’s more than possible on $15 million. Not easy, but doable when the actors are committed to the creative experience and director. IMO the box office for Cosmopolis will be far from overwhelming, after all it makes Black Swan look like a sweet fairy tale! But the critical acclaim this project could/should draw will be more than enough payment for everyone involved.

      Juliette will be wickedly, scorchingly divine in this role. Mathieu is a great actor, now who will he play? And most importantly at this point in the time schedule: which daring actress is going to step up to incarnate Elise?

      Five to one she’s another non American. Any takers, you betting chauffeur fools?!

  4. DebbieCDC (aka SeattleChik) says:

    Juliette wasn’t my first choice, but I can definitely see her as Didi. She’s a terrific actress, has always been one of my favorites and will be excellent in the role.

    BTW Mr. Cronenberg, I’m still available for the Kendra role…j/s

  5. Marina H. says:


    This is really happening…I’m overexcited 😀

    Couldn’t be happier with the cast assembled so far!

  6. MPV says:

    The “official” website has info from around the time they cast rob and had yet to confirm with Marion and Paul, kind of old!!..
    It is great to know Paul confirmed, that we have such amazing sexy actress like Juliette to play Didi, that there is also Mathieu Amalric… I can´t wait to get the news on the rest of the casting, it keeps getting better and better.

    I´m not surprised the budget is $15 millions, there is this comedy with Annette Benning that won the GG for best comedy movie that was made for $6 millions and it also had big actors in the cast. RM had $16 millions for the production, it also had big actors. When the material is good and the people working in it is interesting, real actors will reduce their salaries to work, this means they care about the work as vocation and not just for the money and fame.

    There are rumors Marion will work in the third Nolan´s Batman as Bruno´s love interest… that film will be in production around the same time that Cosmopolis…. hrrrmmmm it is sort of “disappointing” in a way.

  7. Pingback: Nasce il sito ufficiale per il film Cosmopolis-dettagli di produzione - RobertPattinsonMoms

  8. kiTT says:

    I like Juliette. I would have preferred that all of us had been amazing enough to have guessed the actress that was chosen, though. Ya know, since we’ve invested our time into it over the past few weeks. LOL I’m sure she will do well.

    But can I just make an observation? First Marion, then Keira, now Juliette.
    I see these names one right after another and it nags Johnny Depp to me. I know comparisons have been made between Rob and Johnny, which is fine, but I prefer to have Rob stand out on his own. I prefer to have a director see that in Rob.

    So I just hope….really hope…that the selections being made aren’t in any way driven by capitalizing on some ‘success formula’ of what has worked with Depp. I give Rob way more credit to hold his own in any movie than needing to be cast with a ‘formula.’ Like I said, it’s just an observation.

  9. Kim says:

    It seems as though it is such a tricky job to find an actress, work schedules, right look , hair, on and on.
    Is it such a bet to put someone up there that is not well known, some young actress or is name so important.
    Seems to me, I always liked coming out of a movie going wow that gal is gonna do well, incredible, so great, where did they find her, etc. Like go out and find the next Keira Knightly, she’s out there.

  10. Pingback: NEWS OVERVIEW: “This film sounds really fantastic” + another Cosmopolis casting announcement approaching? | Cosmopolis – The Movie Starring Robert Pattinson

  11. Pingback: Poll: We’re Dream Casting the Intimidating Torval. Hop in the Limo. | Cosmopolis – The Movie Starring Robert Pattinson

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